
Finding Audrey

Finding Audrey: 4.9/5

This book is about a girl with severe social anxiety, like to the point where she can’t even leave the house without freaking out and hiding in a corner. I highly suggest you go and pick up this book. Even if you’re not a fan of mental illness it’s a great read. If you want something light harded and fun with not a lot of sadness this your book.


I really enjoyed reading this book, a lot more than I normally enjoy contemporary novels. I love how it was about mental illness and getting past it, but it wasn’t. It was about how she was dealing with it, but it also had multiple different themes playing through the entire book. One moment it could be a very serious or sad moment and the next thing you know your laughing your butt off.

I absolutely adored the moments when the mother was barrading Frank about video games. Overall the mom was just a hilarious character, trying to understand everything, beleiving everything in the daily mail.

The first scene was perfect. I loved it so much, how the mom was just being absolutley crazy with the computer and in the end throwing it out the window. It was just great.I enjoyed how we never found out what happened to her and what pushed her to the edge. It was something I have never really seen happen in a book before.

I also liked how the problem wasn’t a giant big thing that took forever to be solved. That was also something new for me as a reader.

So, yea overall an amazing book, would totally read again and again. That’s it for now.

Bye, Nerds!!!