
Finding Audrey

Finding Audrey: 4.9/5

This book is about a girl with severe social anxiety, like to the point where she can’t even leave the house without freaking out and hiding in a corner. I highly suggest you go and pick up this book. Even if you’re not a fan of mental illness it’s a great read. If you want something light harded and fun with not a lot of sadness this your book.


I really enjoyed reading this book, a lot more than I normally enjoy contemporary novels. I love how it was about mental illness and getting past it, but it wasn’t. It was about how she was dealing with it, but it also had multiple different themes playing through the entire book. One moment it could be a very serious or sad moment and the next thing you know your laughing your butt off.

I absolutely adored the moments when the mother was barrading Frank about video games. Overall the mom was just a hilarious character, trying to understand everything, beleiving everything in the daily mail.

The first scene was perfect. I loved it so much, how the mom was just being absolutley crazy with the computer and in the end throwing it out the window. It was just great.I enjoyed how we never found out what happened to her and what pushed her to the edge. It was something I have never really seen happen in a book before.

I also liked how the problem wasn’t a giant big thing that took forever to be solved. That was also something new for me as a reader.

So, yea overall an amazing book, would totally read again and again. That’s it for now.

Bye, Nerds!!!


The Age of Adaline

The Age of Adaline: 4/5

Great Movie, would totally watch again. I really liked the consept and how the put it together. Here’s the trailer for more info:

 {youtube 7UzSekc0LoQ}


I really felt bad for her when she met Will again and he figured out that she was still alive. I loved how everything was filmed and how pretty all of the sets looked from her past. Blake Lively did an amazing job showing how much Adaline wanted to love someone, but was scared of what might happen.

The only reason I didn’t give this movie a 5/5  is because I’m not a big fan of people loosing what makes them special, but I didn’t give this 3/5 because it makes sense that she would become norma again. Also it was becoming a burden for her to have to keep on leaving and changing everything about her, getting a new identity.

If anyone watches Doctor Who it’s kind of like what happened to Ashildr and how she lived  for years and years and had to move with the ages. Unlike the Doctor who has a T.A.R.D.I.S and can go wherever he wants, whenever he wants, for however long he wants.

Yea, I don’t know what else to write here, but it is a great movie with a great plot and yea.

Bye, Nerds!!!


Star Wars- The Force Awakens


I saw this movie in OMNIMAX!! Which was really cool btw!!!

I LOVED this movie! I don’t really know what t say about it besides it was great. Even for the spoilery section. It was just great I mean…

That’s it for now, I’ll be adding more to this list in the future. I hope I made some suggestions for you or if you already watch all of these then woohoo, let’s be besties!!!


The Lunar Chronicles

The Lunar Chronicles as a whole: 5/5

Cinder: 4.5/5

Scarlet: 4/5

Cress: 5/5

Winter: 5.5/5

This series is by far one of my favorite. It has everything sci-fi, romance, action, fairytale. I loved almost everything about this series. Not a single part bored me, every single book was better than the last. I could not put any of these books down. If you haven’t read this series I suggest you get in your car and go to the bookstore or for those of us who don’t have a driver’s liscense beg your parents until they are so annoyed they get it for you. Seriously, an amazing series. What are you still doing here go read it!!!!

I might do reviews on specific books in the future, but for now I’m gonna leave it here.

Bye Nerds!!!!


Mockingjay Pt. 2 : 5/5

Mockingjay Pt. 2 : 5/5

This was not only a great movie, but also a an amazing adaptation an amazing book.I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I laughed, I cried, I literally jumped like 5 ft. in the air (if you’ve seen this movie I think you know what part I’m talking about). I’m very sad to say that this is the LAST movie in The Hunger Games movie series and that it has finally come to a close. In this next part I will be getting into some specifics, so if you haven’t read/seen these movies/books. A) Go to the store and get on that and B) don’t read this next part cause  THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. I REPEAT SPOILERS. So I don’t want any complaints. OK.


I cannot beleive that this was the last movie. It feels like yesterday I was watching the first movie with my dad. Ugh, I’m gonna put my feels aside and continue now. Ok… On with the show.

OMG!! Everything was perfect!! Like I reread a few bits of the book and they got it down packed. The first part was great. I loved seeing how raw everything was and poor Katniss trying to speak again. It was just a beautiful way to have started this movie. I really enjoyed seeing Katniss and Johanna’s relationship it was like a “I don’t like, but we have the same mindset, so we can hang”. Idk that’s how I felt, but it was nice how Katniss let Johanna take her morphine and how Johanna covered for Katniss, so she could go and help the Rebels defeat the capitol. Speaking of it, OMFG the capitol was, OMG. The pods looked so amazing and the whole scene where Boggs died and the scene after that was amazing. I loved how they shot it and how it looked when the goo was sucked out and everything was like frosted over with it. One thing that I honestly don’t know why, but got me laughing SO hard. Was how many times they thought Katniss was dead. It was like ‘OH, she was shot on camera, she’s dead. Sorry rebels we won.’ a few moments later. ‘Nope she ain’t dead. Oops’ like a day later ‘We blew up the building she was in she’s dead this time, I swear’ like a second later ‘Sorry, sir we have fotage of her walking through the sewers’ I have no clue I just thought it was funny.

Ok, sad part. Finnick’s death, I started crying almost 5 minutes before he was taken down. The secong they hit the sewers the water works turned on, I just knew it waas gonna happen and it still killed me to watch it. Ugh, ok let’s move on before I start crying again.

When they went into Tigress’ shop I was already preparing myself for a future event, so  didn’t notice much. But I will say it was kind of funny when Peeta and Gale were tlking about Katniss and she’s just lieing there listening while they quietly fight over her.

That one sequence where they are trying to get into the mansion was amazing. I thought it was a great scene/sequence thing. The way they did it was just awesome. I’m not gonna talk about the bombs dropping because I was just sitting there my eyes full of tears watching as Katniss slowly realises whats about to happen to her sister.

The whole last part after Prim’s death was just amazing, I loved every second of it. The whole scene where Katniss is walkig up to shoot Snow I was jsut waiting for Katniss to be like ‘Eh, I gonna kill Coin instead because reasons’. Everything about that scene was perfect. The drums made everything 10xs better.

I was sobbing when ‘Deep In The Meadow’ started playing for the end credits because it was just perfect and you could sense how peaceful everything became. It was great and there’s nothing more  can say. I would definetly watch it again and again and again. So, yea.

Bye Nerds!!!!



Hi, I’m Elsa. Here I will be doing reviews of books, movies, restaurants, etc. It will get random at times, but that’s me sooo. Yea. Let’s get  this party started!

Bye Nerds!!!